segunda-feira, março 31, 2014


Segunda Cosplay - League of Legends

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League of Legends - Miss Fortune (KURO)
Miss Fortune (KURO)
League of Legends - Katarina Noite Infeliz (Angel Mia)
Katarina Noite Infeliz (Angel Mia)
League of Legends - Blitzcrank (d-slim)
Blitzcrank (d-slim)
League of Legends - Nidalee (Asuka Soryu)
Nidalee (Asuka Soryu)
League of Legends - Sona (Micah Mallari)
Sona (Micah Mallari)
League of Legends - Draven (Isaac)
Draven (Isaac)
League of Legends - Janna Hextec (Tabitha)
Janna Hextec (Tabitha)
League of Legends - Ahri (Catherine)
Ahri (Catherine)
League of Legends - Vayne, a Cupida Mortal (Clodia Romero)
Vayne, a Cupida Mortal (Clodia Romero)
League of Legends - Ashe, a Cupida Mortal (Spcats Team)
Ashe, a Cupida Mortal (Spcats Team)

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